Category: Past Events

  1. InfUr- Seminar with Kim Dovey and Reden Recio — ‘Inventraset Assemblages’

    Kim Dovey, Redento Recio

  2. InfUr- Seminar – Anitra Nelson and ‘Beyond money: Potent informal economies’

    Anitra Nelson

  3. InfUr- Seminar and Book Launch: Anoma Pieris ‘The Architecture of Confinement’

    Anoma Pieris

  4. Idioms of Informality (Lecture by Fran Tonkiss)

    November 3 (6 pm, Melbourne time) Abstract A substantial share of urban form emerges from the work of nameless ‘designers’, unplanned development and the everyday investments that shape informal urbanism. This is well established in relation to poor-world urbanism, but is also characteristic of cities where state capacities are more developed, capital more abundant, and […]

  5. The Crowd: Being together in a time of crisis (Lecture by Colin McFarlane)

    September 29 (3 pm, Melbourne time) Abstract Urban life is predicated on urban densities and crowds. But while the former are typically understood and managed as problematics of urban governance, the crowd has more often been position as the city ‘in the wild’: unpredictable, suggestible, and a phenomena that might as much be generative of […]

  6. Reboot the informal towards a new Architecture (Lecture by Alfredo Brillembourg)

    September 1 (4 pm, Melbourne time) Abstract This lecture will present the Urban Think Tank toolbox, which provides a working method for a new supportive architecture that empowers people at the margins of the global south’s emerging cities and promotes sustainable development in informal areas. The broad goal is to eliminate the disconnect between design […]

  7. Differences without Separability (Lecture by AbdouMaliq Simone)

    August 4 (4 pm, Melbourne Time) Abstract Both referring to specific territorial formations and impetuses of deterritorialization that can show up perhaps everywhere, urban majorities in South and Southeast Asia increasing “find” themselves located in areas beyond the urban core. These areas hold a multiplicity of divergent trajectories, aspirations, and practices, which simultaneously generate strange […]

  8. Feb 18, 2021 / Research Seminar #8 / Desiring Karail: Morphogenesis of an Informal Settlement in Dhaka

    Informal settlements currently house more than a billion people; they are pervasive, expanding and persistent. Some embody slum conditions while others do not.

  9. Nov 18, 2020 / InfUr Webinar 7 / Symposium Panel on “Co-production and Governance”

    Symposium Panel on "Co-production and Governance"

  10. Nov 11, 2020 / InfUr Webinar 6 / Symposium Panel on “Informal Settlements”

    Symposium Panel on “Informal Settlements”

Number of posts found: 38