
  1. May 14, 2020 / Research Seminar #6 / Research Solidarity? Navigating Feminist Ethics

    What does it mean to undertake international research that is ethically motivated, action-oriented, and undertaken in solidarity with locally-based organizations?

  2. As coronavirus forces us to keep our distance, city density matters less than internal density

    The coronavirus pandemic has left many people questioning the relationship between urban density and healthy cities.

  3. We can’t let coronavirus kill our cities. Here’s how we can save urban life

    The COVID-19 pandemic restrictions have reminded us of the vital role public space plays in supporting our physical and mental well-being.

  4. Doing ethnography in a transitional context / April 27, 2020 [Virtual Session]

    This session discusses the challenges of conducting an ethnographic study in a complex context that is currently messed up with ideological, educational and political changes.

  5. Mar 12, 2020 / Research Seminar #5 / Bread for advancing the right to the city

    This presentation describes the creation of a cooperative bakery whose significance is fourfold

  6. Media globalization and identity crisis: Is hyperlocalism a way forward? / Feb 28, 2020

    With our lives increasingly revolving around the internet, our access to global information has arguably weakened our connection with the local values and cultural traditions.

  7. Nusantaran Architecture as a constructed architectural identity: The researcher’s dilemma

    The Indonesian government has incorporated the emerging ‘Nusantaran Architecture’ in its massive national tourism plan - dubbed ‘the Ten New Bali’, accentuating a narration of culture preservation.

  8. Dhaka in between the formal-informal

    How do you situate Dhaka in terms of its potential to study urban issues?

  9. We’re still fighting city freeways after half a century

    Like the modernist plans of its time, the 1969 Melbourne Metropolitan Transportation Plan was bold in ambition. Major motorways have been built across the city as a result of the plan. For Melbourne, the aspiration of the 1969 plan lives on in our relentless pursuit of new mega-road projects.

  10. Market-led infrastructure may sound good but not if it short-changes the public

    The privatisation of services in Australian cities has weakened public control of key infrastructure. This is likely to accelerate as governments look to market-led proposals to provide infrastructure.

Number of posts found: 74