
  1. Young women’s everyday political actions in a North Indian informal settlement / Jul 30, 2020 [Virtual Session]

    Some scholars have examined the various ways in which youth are shaping the city as an outcome of their social and political actions.

  2. How informal settlers’ socio-economic traits shape flood adaptation / Jun 30, 2020 [Virtual Session]

    Millions of urban poor are living in slum conditions in low-income countries. Often, governments in these countries are unable or unwilling to provide alternative housing or resettle residents to a safer place.

  3. June 24, 2020 / Perspectives on Asian Cities: Ways of Knowing the Future / Hosted by ASAA

    This panel proposes to look at how the notion of ‘future’ is constructed in three different cities across Asia, namely Manila, Delhi and Kathmandu, with an introductory note on Dhaka.

  4. The Role of a Solidarity Economy in Surviving a Crisis

    It is no secret that people in major cities are bearing the brunt of COVID-19. This is even more pronounced in the metropolises of the global south, where millions of urban poor engage in precarious informal employment to survive, and live and work in crowded conditions.

  5. Jun 11, 2020 / Research Seminar #7 / Bad Language? Why Informal Settlement should Not be a Euphemism for ‘Slum’

    Everybody knows that the phrase ‘informal settlement’ is a widely used euphemism for ‘slum’; avoiding a word that can be seen to cast a stigma on neighbourhoods of the urban poor.

  6. ‘Forced’ evictions eat away at a Manila community as developer spares the golf course next door

    Ricky sits at one of half-a-dozen entrances to the San Roque settlement in Metro Manila’s North Triangle district.

  7. COVID-19 reveals unequal urban citizenship in Manila, Dhaka and Delhi

    “COVID-19 lockdown means starvation,” laments Lila, a street vendor in Manila, in the Philippines.

  8. Post-COVID-19 World: What’s the future like for ECRs? / May 29, 2020 [Virtual Session]

    We are seeing a growing interest in COVID-19 research and how the pandemic will shape urban life. As individuals and governments scramble to navigate the adverse impacts of the crisis, no one is certain when the pandemic will end and what traces it will leave in cities.

  9. How Mumbai’s poorest neighbourhood is battling to keep coronavirus at bay

    Informal settlements are experiencing a greater surge in COVID-19 cases than other urban neighbourhoods in Mumbai, India. Their high density, narrow streets, tight internal spaces, poor access to water and sanitation leave residents highly vulnerable to the spread of coronavirus.

  10. Rebuilding from disaster: it doesn’t end when housing aid projects finish

    Disasters are typically followed by an influx of resources, including millions of dollars channelled through humanitarian agencies for rebuilding housing.

Number of posts found: 74