Ran Pan
I’m a PhD candidate working in the Architecture, Philosophy and Theory group at the Faculty of Architecture and Built Environment, TU Delft. My research interests span several transdisciplinary fields, including architecture, urbanism, pedagogies, moving image and digital media. The ongoing PhD research aims to develop a theoretical framework to enhance the intuition of urban intensities with moving image. I received my master’s degree from the University of Melbourne and worked as a spatial analyst at the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) before joining the TU Delft’s PhD program. I also participated in some teaching activities at Melbourne School of Design (MSD) as a sessional tutor and guest lecturer.
Recent publication
- Pan, Ran, and Elek Pafka. “Mapping the ‘Beat’: The Urban Morphologies of Melbourne’s Evolving Live Music Clusters.” Journal of Urban Design (2020): 1-14.