Aireen Grace Andal

I’m a PhD researcher under a Double-PhD track in Social Sciences (Macquarie University, Australia) and Social Philosophy (Ural Federal University, Russian Federation). I’m also a research fellow at the Centre of Global Urbanism (Ural Federal University). My research pays particular attention to children’s use of urban spaces and the importance of children as co-creators of knowledge in urbanity. Majority of my academic engagements involve children’s voices on the urban spaces they occupy, with emphasis on slum-dwelling communities in the global South. Some of my recent publications include topics in the fields of children’s geographies, childhood studies, and urban and regional studies, while serving as a reviewer of manuscripts related to global childhood studies. I’m a scholar for and with children and their spaces. My academic life is devoted to making children’s voices heard, their insights acknowledged, and their lives seen—matters that are hitherto often dismissed.
Recent publications
- Andal, A. G. (2023). Children and urban vitalism amidst transitions: Perspectives from slum-dwelling children in the Philippines. Cities, 135, 104221 [online first]
- Andal, A. G. (2023). Nomadic boat-dwelling children of Southeast Asia: Discourses on the Sama-Bajau children and implications on decentring child migration studies. Children & Society [online first]
- Andal, A. G. (2022). Children’s Spaces in Pages: Examining Spatiality in COVID-19-themed children’s books. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy.