Sombol Mokhles

I am a PhD candidate at ABP and Melbourne Centre for Cities, interested in alleviating the inequalities of urban life and global climate governance. My current PhD is a data-driven approach to reimagining networking between cities beyond global cities to expand the networking opportunities for ‘ordinary’ cities. Through my research, I hope to help empower a diverse range of cities to join the movements to tackle climate change.  Before pursuing my PhD, I did my MPhil on Architecture and Urban Studies at Cambridge University, where I investigated the role of place in women’s everyday life in an informal settlement in Iran. I also hold a MSc in Urban Design, and BSc in Architecture from Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran, Iran.

Recent publications

  1. Mokhles, Sombol., & Davidson, Kathryn. (2021). A framework for understanding the key drivers of cities’ climate actions in city networks. Urban climate, 38, 100902. doi:
  2. Mokhles, Sombol. and Sunikka-Blank, Minna (2022). ‘I’m always home’: social infrastructure and women’s personal mobility patterns in informal settlements in Iran. Gender, Place & Culture, 29 (4), p 455-481, doi:
  3. Mokhles, Sombol, Sunikka-Blank, Minna: “Place-making approach to Zoorabad in Karaj (an informal settlement in Iran)”, Jastarhaye Shahrsazi, 52(2), (2020): 85-106, (In Persian).
  4. Mokhles, Sombol., Planning a Sense of Place (2022), Pursuit,
  5. Mokhles Sombol (April 2019): “The jewel that is no longer shining: A new understanding of informal settlements, case of Moradab hill, Iran”. An online article published on M3 Dialogue platform,