Ishita Chatterjee

I am an alumna of the University of Melbourne, and my research interests are in informal urbanism, cartography, urban morphology, critical geography, and architectural pedagogy. My doctoral thesis focuses on the diverse growth processes of informal settlements in India, where I examine the everyday politics and the structural processes that impact it. I have been an active participant in social movements on housing rights in India.

Recent Publications

  1. Chatterjee, I. (2022) ‘No city for Khori Gaon residents: Forced eviction during a pandemic in the name of forest conservation’. Radical Housing Journal. Vol 4(2). (pp.111-137).
  2. Recio, R., Chatterjee, I., Lata, L.N., Dangol, N., (2022). Whose vision, which city? Planning and unseeing in urban Asia. In Bobic, N., & Haghighi, F. (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Architecture, Urban Space and Politics, VOL I. Violence, Spectacle and Data (1st ed.). Routledge. (pp.76-93)
  3. Chatterjee, I. (2022) How Bulldozers Dehumanise The Urban Poor, Outlook.