ATLAS OF INFORMAL SETTLEMENT: Understanding Self-Organized Urban design
Kim Dovey, Matthijs van Oostrum, Tanzil Shafique, Ishita Chatterjee and Elek Pafka
London: Bloomsbury (2023)
In population terms, informal settlement is the most pervasive mode of urbanization on the planet and absorbs most rural-to-urban migration in developing cities. While often understood as a euphemism for ‘slum’ and seen as ‘unplanned’ or ‘spontaneous’, informal settlement is better understood as a mode of production – a form of architecture and urban design that shapes the infrastructure of these neighbourhoods. This book investigates the spatial logic of informal settlement based on mapping the morphogenesis of urban form in 51 contemporary settlements in a global context. It demonstrates the range of morphological processes and outcomes, and the self-organizational practices that produce them. It presents a fundamental change in thinking for those who wish to engage with the urban design, planning and architectural challenges of informal settlement. The prospect is a better knowledge base for understanding how such practices may or may not produce ‘slums’, how ‘upgrading’ practices may be improved and how informal production may be anticipated and harnessed.
You can purchase a physical or electronic of the Atlas here.
Villa 31
Maura Angke
Cité Lajoie
Barbadillo Alto
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