2020 ECR International Research Colloquium / Nov 27 and Dec 04, 2020 [watch recorded sessions]
Chaired by Reden Recio
November 27, 5:00 – 6:15 PM, Melbourne time
Housing politics and the nightmares of spatial planning in indigenous communities: A review of colonial experience in Tamale, Ghana
(Ibrahim Yakubu, University for Development Studies, Ghana)
Infrastructure provision in informal settlements: the challenges and opportunities for co-production of infrastructure in Makassar, Indonesia
(Mahsa Mesgar, Monash University)
Co-production beyond binary notation: Kampung Rawa and the urban economies
(Nur Mawaddah & Wahyu K Astuti, UrbanLab, Universitas Tarumanagara)
Formal-Informal interaction of villa’s regularization policies in Buenos Aires (Francesca Ferlicca, Regional Planning and Public Policy at IUAV University of Venice)
Chaired by Tanzil Shafique
December 04, 1:00-2:15pm, Melbourne time
Co-producing the right to fail: resilient grassroot cooperativism in a Chilean informal settlement
(Martin Arias Loyola, Universidad Católica del Norte and Francisco Vergara-Perucich, Centro Producción del Espacio, Universidad de las Américas)
Appreciating public space: Street vendors in informal neighbourhood markets in Hanoi, Vietnam
(Ha Thai, RMIT University)
Towards an Architectural History of Informal Urban Practices: A Critical Inquiry
(Soumya Dasgupta, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Co-production of land, housing and slum: How the state, mafia, middle class and urban poor, all played a part
(Ishita Chatterjee, University of Melbourne)