Space for Engagement and Epistemic Diversity (SEED)
SEED is an international platform hosted by the InfUr- Research Hub to allow a safe space for PhD students, early-career researchers (ECRs) and young practitioners to engage and learn from each other. The activities and discussions revolve around the complexities and contradictions we encounter in academic research and how often there is no place to have a candid discussion about some of these issues without upsetting the academic status quo. SEED seeks to offer that space where scholars can chat about all things research, informally.
Inception Meetings
SEED was born in the conversations between PhD students and ECRs who realised the presence of difference amongst epistemic positions and what research itself means. SEED gave an identity to that initial intensity and the first set of meetings in Jun/Jul/Aug 2019 slowly was ‘formalised’ into a monthly session that spans from presentations by SEED Fellows to invited guests and open-platform discussions.
Currently, SEED has over 80 Fellows from 28 countries across Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin America and North America.